The past two weeks have been pretty good training wise. On Friday of last week I finally managed to get that elusive 12 mile run in. I was planning on 8 to 10, but after I started I decided to go for 12. According to my brand new buddy Garmin, my average moving pace was 10:07. That means no sub-2 hour 1/2 marathon for me next week but at least I should be able to finish... On Tuesday of this week I tried to duplicate the feat, but I blew up after the very steep hill half-way through mile 11. So I cut my run short to 10.89 miles. My average moving pace for those first 10 miles was 10:12 (Friday) vs. 9:53 (Tuesday) so only about 20 seconds per mile faster. I don't think I was going that much faster. I also did a few shorter runs, mostly 4 milers including one (Wednesday 14th) at an average pace of 8:47, the same day I did 45 miles on the bike for the first time.
Biking is going well distance wise. I managed a 45 mile ride last week and a 55 mile ride this week. Both were pretty hilly and therefore slow (average speed 12 to 13 mph). For the next two months my goals are to get comfortable riding for 55 miles (and not just "survive) and gradually increase my speed. I also started going to spinning class.
This week my swimming went much better than last week. Last week I wimped out and only managed one real swim (that was cut short). I paid for it dearly on Monday, when I got tired after a paltry 2,400yds. I redeemed myself with 2 3,200 yds swims. On Wednesday, after a quick 800 yds warm-up I timed myself on 1,650 and 800 yds. I can't remember the times but they weren't stellar. On Friday I did a 1,200 yds warm-up (I skipped the 200 yds kick and 4 x 50 yds sprint), followed by 2 timed 800 yds. The first one was 13:55, the second a crazy 13:25. I know these times are pretty pathetic, especially for a former swimmer. But I haven't done any serious swimming in years, and even now, I am working hard on my running and biking. I figured there isn't that much time I can make up on the swim.
Last weekend we went to Washington D.C. with my in-laws and had an amazing time. We went sushi eating, museum seeing, sushi eating, bike accessories shopping, running pants shopping, sushi eating, capitols steps watching, zoo visiting, and more sushi eating... It was awesome. I also got two half-hearted workouts done in the hotel gym. They weren't too bad, except for the extremely hung-over guy that started sweating profusely on the bike next to mine. The smell was disturbing... The drive to DC was however very unpleasant as most of it was done in a terrible storm. We stopped at the Dunkin Donuts in Urbana, MD and got completely soaked in the short distance between the car and the shop. Ondrej (my hubby) did not have a second pair of pants so he had to borrow one the pairs of workout pants that I had brought along... CAREFUL: as it may damage your vision...
These are my totals since the last time I posted them:
Week 11 (22 March)
Swim: 7,150 yds
Bike: 94 miles
Run: 15 miles
Total: 11 hours
Week 12 (29 March)
Swim: 6,000 yds
Bike: 100 miles
Run: 33 miles
Total: 13:15 hours
Week 13 (05 April)
Swim: 8,400 yds
Bike: 120 miles
Run: 20 miles
Total: 13:45 hours
Week 14 (12 April)
Swim: 3,200 yds
Bike: 105 miles
Run: 30 miles
Total: 13 hours
The week ending tomorrow sounds promising. I already got my "long" run in on Tuesday (the 10.89 miles), and my long bike on Thursday (55 miles on hilly Purdue Mountain Road) with a few shorter runs here and there. I would like to get another 40 miles in tomorrow, but the weather does not look very promising. I also am thinking of doing a local 5K. The cause is worthy (special olympics) but the price is high ($35). But the temptation to go for another 5K PR is great. I took today off (after 3,200 yds of swimming, 6 miles of running, and 20 miles of riding yesterday) so my legs should not be as tired tomorrow as they were on my last 5K. And if I remember not to overeat breakfast, to use my inhaler, and to not overeat breakfast, I should be able to drop my time...?
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