Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 5 in Review - Score!

I was really hoping this week would be the week where things fell into place triathlon training-wise. I am very happy to report that they did :-) 

run 8 to 10 miles - DONE 10 miles, really great run
swim 1,500m - DONE 2,500m in 50 minutes/ last 100 in 1:36
run 6 miles - DONE and it was a great run!
swim 1,500m - DONE 2,500m with some serious heartburn from the previous night's fries and kroket
bike 60 minutes and strength train - FAIL, decided to slack on couch instead...
run 6 miles - DONE, but HR with high for the slow pace.
bike 90 minute- FAIL, decided to slack on couch instead...
swim 1,500m - DONE
strength train - skipped it and instead biked 60 min  (unplanned)
run 6 miles - DONE
bike 90 minutes - DONE with extra 2 x 1.25 miles of running to and from gym
long run 10 miles  - DONE
bike10 miles to lunch - unplanned

Week 5 (31 Jan - 06 Feb)
Swim: 6,500m
Bike: 43 miles

Run: 31.5 miles
Total: 10.92 hours

Overall I am *very happy* with what I managed to do this week. I need to work on getting my bike mileage up, as this is the longest part of the triathlon, and getting at least 2 strength sessions per week. As a comparison, the same week last year I did the following:

Week 5 (1 Feb - 07 Feb)
Swim: 4,800 yds
Bike: 64 miles

Run: 12 miles
Total: 7.75 hours

"Back then" the furthest I had run was 6 miles, and I was getting ready to run my first 8-miler

The plan for next week is very similar, with a bit of a breather towards the end, as I am running a 10K on Sunday.
Swim 2,500m - day off from the legs
Run 6 miles
Bike 60 min and strength train
Swim 3,000m 
Run 3 miles at the gym at 4% incline (we don't have many hills around here) 
Run 6 miles
Strength train
Swim 2,500m 
Bike 90 min
Run 4 miles

Have a great week!

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